Monday, March 30, 2009

OK, Critique Three

For the third critique, find an online literary journal and write a 3-4 paragraph review.

Is the journal an effective platform for creative work? Why or why not?
How does it take advantage of the digital format?
Would you want your work published there?

A place to start for online literary journals:

Keep in mind, however, that not all of the journals listed on NewPages are really online. Some only place selected materials online, and others simply advertise the print journal.

Critique Three

There is no critique three

(not this week, anyway. )

We'll work on group projects tonight

Digital Scholarship

Three examples of open-access scholarship:

Public Library of Science
Bio-Med Central
Directory of Open-Access Journals

Why are so many of these journals in the Sciences? Why so few in the Humanities?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Groups and Group Projects

You should be thinking about the group projects at this point.

If you have a group, post it to your blog.

If your group has room for another member, make a note of that in your post.

If you have an idea, but no group yet, post a "Looking for Group" message to your blog.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Readings for Week 10

For next week, please read the following articles:

Clay Shirky: Newspapers and Thinking the Unthinkable
John Siracusea: The once and future e-book

Also, explore the MIT OpenCourseWare site

Critique #2

For next week, write a 2-3 paragraph critique of any one of the remix projects.  Explain what you liked about the project, what worked and what didn't. 

What would you change? Why?
What confused you?
What ideas or techniques do you want to appropriate/steal?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Remix Project

You should work on the Remix Project over break. When we return on March 16th, we will be showcasing your projects: you will present the project to the class and explain what you did (or tried to do).

Some guidelines:
  1. You can use public domain material, CC-licensed (Remix or Derivative works license), or your own material.
  2. The remix must include some text (this is, after all, an English class)
  3. The remix should transform the existing work in some way, either by altering it (as in the photo manipulation exercise), or by mixing it with another work.
  4. You must write a 3-4 paragraph explanation of your work.
I've posted some examples and resources on the assignment page. Here are some examples from last year's class:
As you can see, the remixes can be audio, visual, or text-based.